When people decide to leave their nine to five job and pursue a business of their own, they often don’t think about how the decision can affect their life for the better. While profits is the key reason why people choose to own a business, entrepreneurship can change your life in more ways than one:

Travel More

Entrepreneurs travel a lot. They’re on the road, handing out business cards, giving talks, attending seminars, meeting with investors, and so forth. And while being on the road can be exhausting, it can definitely be life-changing. Situations like getting lost in a new neighborhood, finding a car to rent, and encountering difficult people will force you to become more independent and resourceful.

Become More Responsible

Entrepreneurship teaches people on how to take responsibility when things go wrong. People love the idea of owning and managing their own business but only when the business is succeeding. When the business takes a turn for the worse, they blame other people and even economic conditions. When you start your own company, you have all the power. Whatever you say, goes, which means a bad product launch or poor customer service arose from a bad decision you made in the past.

For the full post, check out Peter Bubel on Patch.com!