Personal blogging has taken off tremendously in the last five to ten years. People are finding all sorts of reasons to blog and to let their individual voices, writing styles, and areas of expertise be heard. As a platform for self-expression, blogging can empower people to fulfill a whole host of objectives.


People are blogging simply to let their voices be heard. Whether they enjoy discussing political happenings, current events, pop culture, music, cooking, or anything else under the sun, blogging provides an opportunity to put opinions and feedback into the world. Not only might authors be validated by positive feedback from like-minded individuals, but presented with opportunities to be challenged by people with different perspectives. The exchange and dialogue can serve as a stimulating alternative to other, less involved leisure activities.


Some bloggers are writing to inspire others to support a particular cause. Do you have a lot to say about October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month because you know someone who fought against it and won? A blog is the perfect place to share that story with the world. You never know who might read your message and be touched to their core.


Sharing a particular wealth of experience or knowledge by blogging provides a venue for people to solicit advice. By sharing your gifts with the rest of the world, everyone benefits. If your blog ends up being wildly popular, there may even be a chance to monetize a service or product so that people can buy from you directly.


Blogging is a perfect way to advertise a new business. Building writing into your routine as an entrepreneur gives people a taste of your personal voice and allows them to more intimately connect with your brand, which increases sales potential. Exposure to different audiences is everything.

Other Benefits

Improving writing style, networking with other professionals, and building an individual portfolio are all potential benefits to the blogging game. By picking a topic that you are personally invested in, you afford yourself the luxury of being able to discuss something with the public that you feel passionately about. As you write more, your style will develop and people will begin to notice you. Other advocates for your activity, cause, or business will begin to reach out and connect with you.

Truly, blogging offers a host of benefits. From self-expression to inspiration to expertise to marketing and then some, your blog is sure to afford you opportunities that you barely even fathomed.